About us
The Guam Hearing Doctor
The Guam Hearing Doctor offers diagnostic audiological evaluations, hearing loss rehabilitation, hearing aids, tinnitus treatment solutions, custom ear pieces for hearing loss prevention or recreational activities, education and counseling to improve communication.
Adult patients typically struggle with the isolation and embarrassment of hearing loss for several years before they have the courage to take action. With that in mind, it is my goal that every patient’s experience with me is both informative and positive. We strive to offer better hearing solutions so they may fully enjoy their daily activities, remain active and socially connected with friends and family.
Pediatric patients with even a mild hearing loss may suffer from significant speech-language delay. Additionally, any degree of hearing loss may adversely impact academic and social achievement. We have the technology to evaluate children as young as 1-day old and fit hearing aids on babies as young as 3 months old. Early Intervention is critical in providing babies with hearing loss the opportunity to perform as well as their hearing peers.

- Pediatric & Adult audiology
- Hearing Aid Selection & Fitting: digital and wireless products
- Assistive Listening DevicesBlue tooth enable Devices
- Smart Phone compatible Devices
- Consultation and Education: hearing loss and hearing loss prevention
- Custom hearing protection and recreational ear pieces for hunters, musicians and motor and water sports enthusiasts.
- Tinnitus Evaluation
- Hearing loss and Tinnitus Rehabilitation
GHD is able to evaluate and match lifestyle with technology and budget. We partner with agencies that have been awarded federal funding and grants for hearing aids and/or assistive listening devices for individuals with hearing loss.
We assist our patients through the eligibility and acceptance process in obtaining financial assistance for hearing devices.
Everyone has the right to better hearing!
Prices range from $1000 to $2, 200 per instrument. All products come with a comprehensive service warranty, loss & damage warranty, and batteries.
The average life span of hearing aids is 3-5 years. GHD provides a comprehensive service package for worry-free, hearing.

We participate with:
-Select Care
-Aetna Gov Guam
-Other off-island insurance
(We will work with you to submit all claims to off-island insurance companies for reimbursement of eligible audiological services and equipment expenses.)